Online Diaries

To log your online activity, you’ll be sent a brief ‘diary’ to fill out each day for a week.

You’ll be asked to

  1. Log which types of online spaces you use.
    This can be anything online or digital that you think helps or hinders with your ADHD (i.e. website, mobile apps, reminders on your phone or smart home assistants e.g. Alexa, fitness/sleep trackers, video health appointments, etc.)
  2. Note the main reason you use the space
    (i.e. for procrastination, support, advice, information, reminder, etc.)
  3. Briefly reflect on how it made you feel
    (Was it useful or harmful to your day? Was it suitable to be online or something you’d prefer face-to-face?)

This should take you around 5 minutes per day. I’m happy to send you reminders if this would be useful! Please just let me know.

You can send this information in various ways. There is an online form, or you can send it via text, or even write it down and take a picture!