What’s Involved

1. Take some photos
Take 5 photos you feel best represent your experiences of ADHD within the home. This should be spaces in your home (rather than your entire home), and should avoid other people and identifying information. More info.

2. Log your online activity
Record a brief ‘diary’ of your online ADHD activities for a week. This will take about 5 minutes per day , and I can send daily reminders if you’d like! More info.

3. Chat with me
Talk to me about your photos and diary, via either call/video or chat/messenger. More info.

4. Help analyse the photos
Join our private group on Facebook to help analyse and sort the photos. More info.

5. See the results
Please check this website, or follow on Instagram, and Twitter for updates.
There will also be a UK-based exhibit of selected photos in summer of 2022.

TAKE AND SUBMIT PHOTOS OF SPACES IN YOUR HOMETake or select 5 photos that you feel best represent your experiences of ADHD within the home and add brief captions. This should be spaces in your home (rather than your entire home itself) Do not include other people and identifying information (such as addresses on stray envelopes!). You can choose if these are only seen by me, by the Project Facebook Group, or on the website.1 hour
FILL OUT A DIARY OF ONLINE ACTIVITIESRecord a brief ‘diary’ of your online ADHD activities for a week. This will take you about 5 minutes per day to fill out, and I can send daily reminders if you’d like!30 minutes
TALK TO METalk to me about your photos and diary. We can either arrange a 20-30 minute call/video or I can send a list of questions you can type answers to.30 minutes
SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS AND HELP ANALYSE THE PHOTOSIf you want, a few weeks afterwards, you can help analyse the photos to help shape the research and to see what others have included. To do this, join the private Spaces of ADHD Facebook group and help analyse the photos through liking/commenting. Please don’t identify your own photos here (if you choose for them to be included).5 minutes onwards!